Sunday, February 13, 2011

Foreign Intervention - Italy

As a whole, Mussolini supported the Nationalists from before the Spanish Civil War. At the outbreak of war, Mussolini made a secret agreement with Franco in November 1936. This agreement stated that Italy would have Franco's support in the event of a war with France. In return, Mussolini promised to send aid to the monarchists during the Spanish Civil War.

As a result, the government of Italy helped the nationalist forces in Spain by sending resources and personel from the different Italian army corps. Together, they became known as the CTV (Corpo Truppe Volontarie) sending both military volunteers, aircraft and tanks. By 1937, a total of 50,000 Italians were fighting for the Nationalists. By the end of the Spanish Civil War, a total of approximately 75,000 Italians fought in Spain for the Nationalists.

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